Avoid making these mistakes, otherwise the AC may get damaged.

AC Safety Tips: Summer season has arrived and going out of the house in this season has become a very difficult task. So it is not easy to spend time at home also. People have to face a lot of problems due to heat and its effects. That’s why people resort to AC. 

The bill may be higher on using AC but it definitely provides relief from the heat. But if you make some mistakes while running the AC. Then you may suffer huge loss. This can also damage your AC. Let us know which mistakes you should avoid. 

Timely cleaning is necessary 

Some people get AC installed in their homes. But he does not maintain it properly. After installing the AC, its cleanliness is also necessary. After running the AC, dirt gets stored in it. Its filters have to be cleaned timely. And when the summer season is over, one has to cover it well. If you do so  If you are not able to do so then the AC may get damaged.

Service required before the season

When you run the AC in the new season. So it is better to get it serviced before that. This removes whatever dirt is present inside the AC. She gets cleaned up. And if there is lack of gas in it. So that too is filled.  If there is dirt inside the AC and you run it continuously. Then there will be more pressure on its compressor. And in such a situation, you may have such a problem. 

Take care of this in window AC

If you have installed window AC in your house. Then you will get his  Special care has to be taken. Window AC should be installed in a place in the house where ventilation is good. If ventilation will not be good for window AC. Then its hot air  Will not come out. And that may damage the AC. Also, you should not install AC at such a place. Where there is no open sewer. The gas coming out of them is harmful for AC.  

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